Beautiful words to take notes
Hz. Ebûbekir (r.a): Chastity is the ornament of poverty; Gratitude is the ornament of blessing; Patience is the ornament of trouble; Mildness is the ornament of knowledge; Modesty and humility are the adornment of the student; Crying a lot for fear of Allah, is the ornament of fear; Not being grateful, (not to be taken for granted) is the ornament of grace; Awe is the ornament of prayer.”
İlhan Berk: My only regret was that I spent hours and hours speaking sentences to people who didn’t even deserve my words.…
Şems: Do not be deceived by three things: To the winter sun, To the woman’s coquetry, To the compliment of scholars
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi: “O sultan of my heart, my halali halalim. It is easy not to speak when I have ‘bite’ in my mouth, but how hard it is to keep silent when I have ‘you’ in my heart…”
Şems Tebrizi: “If Allah has written you to me, you cannot escape me. But if fate has taken you from me, there’s no need to cry”
Mevlana: Allah says: “Whomever you love more than Me, I will take him away from you.” And He adds: “Don’t say, “I can’t live without him,” I will make you live without him. The season passes, … the branches of the trees that give shade dry up, patience overflows, even the partner you count dear to you becomes a hand one day… Your mind becomes confused. Friends turn into enemies, enemies become friends. It’s such a strange world. Everything you say can’t happen, happens. “I won’t fall!” You say “I won’t fall!” and you fall, you say “I won’t be surprised!” and you are surprised… That’s the strangest thing, you keep saying “I’m dead” and yet you live…
Even when a person falls, he should fall like “Lamelif”
without bending. ( ﻻ ) One should be able to take the bullets fired at one’s loved ones like “Cim” into one’s bosom. ( ﺝ )A person should be able to stand upright like “Elif” when mountains are placed on his/her back. ( ﺍ ). A lifetime of cradling a loved one like “Kef”
to be able to carry it. (ﻙ) One should be able to smile like “Te”
even when dying. (ﺕ ) Man should prostrate his head like “Mim” before the one and only LORD…. (ﻡ ).
– Sam Walton: ”There’s only one boss in the company: Customer. By spending his money elsewhere, he has the power to fire everyone from the general manager to the lowest level employee” WalMart Founder
– Mehmet Akif Ersoy: “Whoever does not earn a living in this world is a disgrace to his friends and a laughingstock to his enemies.”
– Mevlana: “Nobility is not in stature but in lineage, refinement is not in the waist but in the tongue, truthfulness is not in words but in essence, beauty is not in the face but in the heart.”
– Orson Welles: “Forgiveness requires a double virtue. Forgiving him and forgiving yourself for forgiving him.”
– Charles Baudler: There are no books written in places of entertainment, no inventions made in coffee houses, no exams won while playing games, no achievements made while watching television.
– Charles Baudler: “Work is less boring than fun”
– İmam-ı Rabbani: “The true disciple is the one who sees his sins as too much no matter how little they are, and the true disciple is the one who sees his worship as too little no matter how much it is.”
– Mehmet Akif Ersoy: 99 percent of success is sweat, 1 percent is coincidence.