The report summarizes the education data published by UIS and serves as a fundamental resource and essential guide for policy-makers, researchers and analysts, as well as anyone interested in education data and statistics.
Statistics are presented in 11 thematic chapters, covering primary and secondary education; early childhood; technical, vocational and tertiary education; skills for work; parity; literacy and numeracy; sustainable development and global citizenship; learning environment; scholarships; teachers; and financing education.
World Education Statistics, 2024
The publication draws on the wealth of information produced by the UIS statisticians and provides highlights on each of the targets of SDG 4. Statistics are presented in 11 thematic chapters, covering primary and secondary education; early childhood; technical, vocational and tertiary education; skills for work; parity; literacy and numeracy; sustainable development and global citizenship; learning environment; scholarships; teachers; and financing education.
List of tables
1. Education targets, global and thematic indicators and key concepts 8
2. Global and thematic indicators by concept with anexpanded view of the education sector 9
3. SDG4 benchmark indicators 14
List of boxes
1.Box1: RoleofUISinSDG4monitoring 6
2.Box2:What are the objective soft the benchmark ingprocess?13
3.Box3: Benchmarks data gaps visualizations 16
4.Box4: Learningloss, school closure sand PISA2022 24
5.Box5:Tool and Resources for MonitoringSDG4 Indicator 4.1.1 25
Unesco; prepared a report on education statistics and data in the world. It is a useful report where you can see the education systems of countries all over the world. You can look at the whole Unesco education report here.