Author: rehbertr

George Orwell 1984 Book Review George Orwell’s book full of prophecies in which he describes possible technological developments in the future through “Big Brother” The following sentence actually shows that he predicts that they will be able to listen to us with some devices (cell phones, etc.) in the future. “Unless he spoke in a whisper, every sound Winston made was picked up by the telescreen; moreover, as long as he remained in the field of view of the metal plate, Winston could not only be heard, he could be seen. Of course, it was impossible to know when you…

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Beautiful words to take notes Hz. Ebûbekir (r.a): Chastity is the ornament of poverty; Gratitude is the ornament of blessing; Patience is the ornament of trouble; Mildness is the ornament of knowledge; Modesty and humility are the adornment of the student; Crying a lot for fear of Allah, is the ornament of fear; Not being grateful, (not to be taken for granted) is the ornament of grace; Awe is the ornament of prayer.” İlhan Berk: My only regret was that I spent hours and hours speaking sentences to people who didn’t even deserve my words.… Şems: Do not be deceived by…

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Mimar Sinan Biography Mimar Sinan Imprint:Sinaneddin Yusuf or Sinan son of AbdulmennanMimar Sinan Date of Birth:1488 / 1490, Kayseri, AğırnasMimar Sinan Date of Death:On the Golden Horn side of the Süleymaniye Mosque is the tomb of Mimar Sinan.Mimar Sinan Place ofDeath / Place of Burial:İstanbul / Süleymaniye MosqueMimar Sinan WifeInformation about Sinan and his family is also very scarce. According to the waqf issued in his name, Sinan’s wife was Mihri Hatun, daughter of Mahmud. Mimar Sinan ChildsAccording to this document, Sinan had three children. One of them was his son Mehmed, who was martyred while Sinan was alive, and the others were his…

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Cemil Meric Biography Cemil Meric Imprint:Hüseyin Cemil MeriçCemil Meric Date of Birth:12 Aralık 1916, ReyhanlıCemil Meric Date of Death:13 Haziran 1987Cemil Meric Place ofDeath / Place of Burial:İstanbul / Karacaahmet MezarlığıCemil Meric WifeFevziye MenteşoğluCemil Meric ChildsMahmut Niyazi Bey, Zeynep Ziynet HanımCemil Meriç Their work:Hind Edebiyatı Saint Simon İlk Sosyolog. Bu Ülke. Umrandan Uygarlığa. Bir Dünyanın Eşiğinde. Işık Doğudan Gelir. Kültürden İrfana, Mağaradakiler, Bir Dünyanın Eşiğinde Jurnal, Bu Ülke, Kırk AmbarCemil Meriç Lyrics:Cemil Meric Cemil Meric Life His full name is Hüseyin Cemil Meriç. He graduated from Hatay High School. He entered Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy. He returned to Hatay without completing his…

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Can you give up your victory for your honor? Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was just a few meters from the finish line, but confused the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race. The Spanish racer Ivan Fernandez was right behind him and, realizing what was happening, started yelling at the Kenyan to keep running. Mutai did not speak Spanish and did not understand. Realizing what was happening, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory and the Kenyan Mutai finished first in the competition. They could not hold back their tears. “Why did you do that?” a reporter asked Ivan. Ivan…

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Kaş is one of the oldest settlements where life has existed since ancient times before Christ. There are different rumors about the names Kas and Andifli. The oldest known rumor about Andifli is first mentioned in Evliya Çelebi. We could not reach a clear word meaning about Andifli. The old name of “Kas” is Andifli. It is one of the oldest and historical districts of our Antalya province. Its history dates back to the Hittites BC. According to a rumor, the island of Meis (Kastellorizo), which is just across the island, was named “Kaş” because it resembles “Kaş” when viewed…

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The Top 10 Best Beauties in Turkey Turkey is a famous country in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Turkey is home to ‘Göbeklitepe’, the place where history first began. It is the zero point of history. It has been a settlement since the first times of humanity. Throughout history, dozens of civilizations have been established in Anatolia, the land of Turkey. From the Hittites, Assyrians, Ionians, Lycians, Egyptians, Alexander the Great, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, Ottomans, millions of people from hundreds of nations have lived in this geography. Turkey’s Most Beautiful Destinations for Travel Bloggers Turkey is a photographer’s dream,…

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The report summarizes the education data published by UIS and serves as a fundamental resource and essential guide for policy-makers, researchers and analysts, as well as anyone interested in education data and statistics. Statistics are presented in 11 thematic chapters, covering primary and secondary education; early childhood; technical, vocational and tertiary education; skills for work; parity; literacy and numeracy; sustainable development and global citizenship; learning environment; scholarships; teachers; and financing education. World Education Statistics, 2024 The publication draws on the wealth of information produced by the UIS statisticians and provides highlights on each of the targets of SDG 4. Statistics…

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“A whole generation tried to raise strong women. But unfortunately with these strong womenskipped educating the men who will live” (Ayşen Zamanpur) Where did its fragile and delicate structure come from? What we call breast milk was the water of our bones. Don’t we have a structure that turns everything in our bones into water and turns it into milk? That’s why they used to say that every birth takes a tooth from the mother. But this bone consuming continued until death.A woman who is more interested in the place where a man touches her heart than in his strength,…

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