Sage Tea
The most well-known benefit of sage is that it relieves intestinal and stomach gases. As sage cuts nausea, it also ensures the regular functioning of the digestive system. It helps to heal throat, gum and tonsil inflammations. It has the effect of protecting the body against viruses, bacteria and fungal diseases. It softens the chest and helps to breathe easily. It relieves the troubles experienced in asthma. Provides sweat excretion and diuretic. It makes the digestive system work better and more regularly. If sage is added to the bath water and washed; It gives youth and vitality. It should not be drunk more than 3 4 cups a day.
Goldenseal tea:
Dissolving kidney stones, diuretic. It removes edema, albumin, bladder inflammation. Relieves rheumatism, gall bladder, urinary tract and prostate inflammation. Relieves joint pain. Antiseptic and a natural antibiotic.
Rosehip tea:
Useful for diabetes. Relaxes the digestive system. It is useful for cramps and muscle pain. It has aphrodisiac effect. It has a soothing and antispasmodic effect on the nervous system, prevents urinary tract infection. Contains high levels of vitamin C. Strengthens the body’s defense system. Relieves fatigue.
Anise tea:
Facilitates digestion, relieves anorexia. It removes the disgust for food. Removes stomach and intestinal gases, increases urine. Prevents vomiting. It stops diarrhea. It ensures that menstrual bleeding is regular. Increases breast milk. Calms the nerves. Relieves insomnia. Relieves migraine pain. Relieves brain fatigue. Strengthens the heart. It ensures regular blood circulation.
Rosemary tea:
It is beneficial for digestive system disorders, cramping stomach, intestinal and gallbladder disorders, muscle and joint rheumatism, nervous disorders, low blood pressure, chronic weakness, rheumatism and gout diseases.
Hogweed tea:
It is used in stomach pains, cough, dysentery, liver diseases, liver failure, fever reduction, psoriasis, eczema, fungus, itchy allergies. It is used to increase sexual power in men and women.
Blackberry tea:
A thorny and shrub-like plant. It is found in uncultivated areas, along fences, roads and ditches. The fruit is in the form of a compound sphere formed by many fruits. The parts used are the leaves and flower buds. The leaves are collected before flowering and dried in the shade.
Chakshir tea:
It has been observed that bucks and rams especially look for this plant during the mating period (autumn) and eat it a lot. Research has shown that chakchir increases the sperm count and increases sexual power. It is also known as an appetizing herbal tea; it lowers sugar, relieves fatigue and exhaustion and gives vitality to the body.
Yarrow tea:
It is effective in menstrual bleeding, menopause, ovarian inflammation, uterine discharge, back pain. It is a blood maker. It is effective in stomach and intestinal bladder disorders. It is one of the most popular blood-soothing herbs. It is used in stomach pains, peptic ulcer, ulcer, gastritis, etc. diseases, stomach and hemorrhoidal bleeding, as well as wound and nosebleeds.
Midwife mallow tea:
It is used as a preservative in respiratory system irritations and inflammations. Upper respiratory tract infections have chest softening, expectorant and cough suppressant properties in bronchitis. It is useful in oral mucosa diseases, pharyngitis, bronchitis, colds, asthma and flu.
Apple tea:
Besides its nutritional value, it is protective against shortness of breath and heart diseases. It helps to remove toxins from the body. Cleanses the intestines, nourishes the liver, strengthens the nerves and muscles. It relieves fatigue of the body and mind. It helps to reduce sand and stones in the kidney, cleanses the blood, facilitates digestion. Reduces fever.
Artichoke tea:
Useful in liver and kidney failure. It is useful in jaundice and hepatitis diseases, obesity, hives, rheumatism and eczema, regulating blood circulation. It is preventive in arteriosclerosis caused by cholesterol, heart pains, infarction, cerebral hemorrhages. It is the best friend of the heart. It cleanses the blood, removes poisonous substances in the body, gives vigor to the body, strengthens the heart muscles, lowers urea and cholesterol and makes the heart work comfortably. It disinfects the stomach and makes it work comfortably. It helps to remove toxins.
Heather tea:
Diuretic urinary tract antiseptic, bile expectorant, cystitis urinary system sand and stone reducer, adrenal glands have a working effect. It prevents infections by cleaning the kidneys and has a weakening effect.