All nations with their Turks, Kurds, Lazis, Circassians, Iraqis, Iranians, Afghans, Crimeans, Arabs and Persians have lived peacefully with other religions and nations for centuries in Islamic civilization and set an example to the world. Their political, economic, military, cultural, religious and social lives have left deep traces in the pages of history as an example for all nations.
The Importance of Muslim Turks, Kurds, Circassians and Laz for History
It is not wise to make Islamaphobia by thinking that the current Syrians, Afghans, Saudi Arabians and Qataris are bad for the whole Islamic world and its history. Hate only breeds hate. You both want the good of humanity and hate Islam and Muslims. Those who claim to be Muslims by using Islam as a tool, who claim to be Muslims, who claim to live in an Islamic state by claiming Islamic culture, by mentioning the name of Allah and the name of our Prophet (peace be upon him) and who torture and murder women, children and children in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran and of course in our country, who kill atheists and non-believers, have no problem with Islam and being Muslim. ISIS, DAESH, etc. No one believes the groups that think they are using Islam anymore except those who are prejudiced.
Those who read the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and research Islam from the Quran and Sahih Hadiths read about the tolerance shown to those of other religions and understand and know that this is not the case.
Now science, technology and communication tools have developed. The accuracy of information on social media can be understood with a short confirmation and research. Islamaphobes and those who do not respect religions do the most harm to the world. Look what our historian teacher Tufan Gündüz reminds us in Pelin Çift’s program.
More importantly, what do you think about it.