We are in an unpleasant age, says #ilberortaylı, so much so that somewhere ancient civilizations are collapsing and on the other side, as #yaşarkemal says, “good people are riding white horses” You may have read hundreds of books with personal development, life experiences and advice, but this book is completely different. We will make spoilers and quotes that we will blurt out about the book. Let’s warn those who haven’t read it already.
How to Live a Lifetime by Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı? Tips
Life is really short. How did you get to the age you are now? Even the question “What have you done?” shows how quickly it passes. And when we think about the speed and useless, unproductive time that our age brings, we need to think about how we should use life efficiently.
When we think of İlber Hodja, we all think of his scolding, his harsh speech, the languages he knows, his historiography and his jurisprudence. In the book, he not only explains how to use time efficiently, but also how to choose books to read, cities to visit, movies to watch, friends and friends to spend time with in order to make it beautiful and enjoyable. He divided life into 4 periods as 12-25, 25-40, 40-55 and after 55.
There is very good information in the book. There are very useful notes about life and living. For more, you can buy and read İlber Ortaylı’s book.