Where does Osman Gâzi’s dream come from?
There are few of us who have not heard of the dream of Osman Gâzi, who transformed the Ottoman Empire from a principality into a state and gave order to the Turks in the 13th century. We will now examine where this dream came from.
Ebdal Kumral Hazretleri, one of the Anatolian Eren
A dervish named Ebdal Kumral used to meet with Khidr ‘alaihis-salâm’ from time to time.
Once, when he was resting in a place called Armenian Derbendi, Khidr ‘alaihis-salâm came to him.
Hadrat Abdal Qumral asked Hadrat Hidr ‘alaihis-salâm:
-My master! Is it possible to gather these Muslims, who are scattered in different directions, under one roof and create unity among Muslims?
Khidr Alayhis Salâm
-It is possible.
-How? By whom?
-It will be by Osman Gazi. Osman Gazi and his sons will gather the scattered Muslims under one flag. The state founded by Osman Gazi will dominate three continents.
Ebdal Kumral Hazretleri had heard the name of Osman Gazi but did not recognize him. Hadrat Hızir continued.
-The future of that young soldier is very hopeful. Give him this good news.
-Where can I find him?
-You will find him at the side of Hazrat Edebâli.
He will convey a dream to the Sheikh on this subject. When His Eminence Ebdal Kumral Hazretleri left Khidr Alayhis Salâm, a fire and longing enveloped him. He felt the good news of the great birth within him. With excitement, he set off towards the dervish lodge of His Holiness Sheikh Edebâlî. He was overwhelmed with joy. He was playing and running like a child with joy. He did not realize how he had reached the dervish lodge.
Osman Gâzi’s Dream
Meanwhile, Osman Gazi was a guest at the Dervish lodge of Sheikh Edebâlî in Bilecik.
Osman Gazi had a dream that night. In his dream, a light coming out from under the armpit of Hazrat Edebâlî came and entered the armpit of Osman Bey. With the entrance of that light, a tree appeared in Osman’s abdomen.
It suddenly branched and budded. Its branches reached very high heights. Many mountains and rivers were shaded under it.
Many people started to come and benefit from the mountains and rivers in its shadow.
When Osman Gazi told this dream to Sheikh Edebâlî Hazretleri, Ebdal Kumral Hazretleri was also there. In the interpretation of this dream, His Holiness Sheikh Edebali said:
- “O Osman! Good news for you. Allah Almighty has given you and your son sultanate, and may the world be under the sun of your son’s sultanate. And may my daughter Mal Hatun be lawful for you…”
When Ebdal Qumral Hazretleri heard these words, he realized that the young man in front of him was Osman Bey, whom Khidr Alayhis Salâm had told him about. And he could not stand it any longer. He intervened. After conveying the good news of Khidr Alayhis Salam to Osman Ghazi, he added:
-O Osman Gazi! You have been given the Sultanate. What will you give us in gratitude?” Osman Gazi;
-Whenever I become the sultan, I will give you a city, a wine.
His Holiness Ebdal Kumral;
-Our village is enough for us. We gave up the city, he said.
-I accept.
-Then give us a paper, a document.
-Instead of paper, here I have a sword, inherited from my father and grandfather. I’ll give you a cup with it. Together they will be in your hand. Let your descendants keep this insignia. If Allâhu ta’âlâ makes me a sultan, even my descendants should see this sign and accept it, and not take your village.
The state, the foundation of which was laid with the companionship and glad tidings of Khidr alaihissalâm
Time passed… In 1288, Osman Gazi succeeded his father as head. His fortune improved. He advanced. He conquered many places. He laid the foundations of the Ottoman State with the glad tidings of Khidr Alayhis Salâm. That blessed person, Ebdal Kumral Hazretleri, who brought him this good news from Khidr, had already passed away. Osman Gazi built a zawiyah in the Armenian Derbend in the name of that great saint who had conversed with Hızır (the Prophet). He endowed many villages and fields.
Source ; Footnote – Ord. Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Bursevi (k.s.), Ruhu’l Beyan Tafsiri: 9/320-322 –