Reliable Islamic Sources
There are many religious websites, religious forums and religious blogs in our country. One of the most abused topics is religious issues. We felt the need to prepare such a guide because we realized that there is no detailed research on Islamic sites. In our guide, which also includes Islamic blogs and Islamic forums, we tried to include reliable religious sites that include the main sources of Islam, the Qur’an, and the Sunnah. On this occasion, we prepared the list by paying attention to the sites that are in accordance with the ahli sunnah.
Religious content sites, Islamic forums and religious blogs
Directorate of Religious Affairs Websites
It is the authority responsible for the conduct of religious affairs in our country. It is affiliated to the Prime Ministry. It is a portal to a wide range of Islamic information and independent websites, including Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Catechism, etc. –
Quranic verses and commentaries in English.
A source of word and sentence translations of Sahih Hadiths in Arabic, English and other languages.
A good resource with detailed and simple explanations
Great Islamic Catechism
It is one of the most basic and authentic sources about Islam. You can read the Great Islamic Ilmihal written by the late great Islamic scholar Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, the retired head of Religious Affairs, one of the Fatih Dersiam, in accordance with the Ahli Sunnah, with your family and children and learn basic religious knowledge from the most authentic source.
Muhtasar Ilmihal
It is one of the most concise and concise catechisms about Islam in accordance with the most reliable ahli sunnah. A catechism in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah that people of all ages, from 7 to 70, big and small, children and elderly, can read and finish in a few days.
It is a religious site with resources on fiqh, theology, tafsir and hadith. There is a forum, book, question-answer, dream, dictionary, hymn section. provides a similar service in its extension.
A platform with resources on Islamic subjects such as Quran, Hadiths, Sunnah, Ilmihal, Fiqh, Worship, Tafsir, Law, Sufism, etc. for Muslims all over the world.
One of the most basic and comprehensive terminological dictionaries on Islam is the Encyclopedia of Islam.
It is a website with religious information, religious advice and stories.
Religious Islamic Catechism
The catechism prepared by the Presidency of Religious Affairs.
You can ask all your questions about Islam, you can find your answer from 150 thousand questions asked by our members. Religious answers are given to questions about Islamic and general issues.
There are online books, dream interpretations and hymns. website has been in service since 2001.
There are many questions and answers you wonder about religious issues. There are also books, audio broadcasts and the lives of saints.
Virtue Calendar
It’s actually a calendar site. It also has an IOS and Android application. A site that emphasizes resources with a hadith, verse and historical and religious information every day of the calendar.
Eight different Turkish translations and commentaries for those who want to read different translations comparatively.
A wide range of religious information and knowledge prepared by the Directorate of Religious Affairs.
When searching the verses of the Holy Quran, it is easy to access the subject searched by means of the index.
An up-to-date religious site with information on Islam, faith, fiqh and religious issues.
A website with religious information about Islam. One of the most active and largest religious forums. Mumsema Islamic Archive is a large Islamic archive with many categories and tens of thousands of topics related to Islam.
While creating the list, we looked at the sites one by one in general terms, but we could not make a detailed review. We have included Islamic sites that we think are the source of accurate information that have been on the air for as long as possible.